For some reason the story is a picture file. The whole story was Pinkie Pie's nightmare.When Rainbow Dash is about to faint because of soporific cupcake, she resists and sees Pinkie preparing the table of torture, so she flees before Pinkie can kill her.Nopony catches onto the fact that they are eating Rainbow Dash. She then asks Twilight if she thought the cupcakes tasted like rainbows. Pinkie Pie serves the cupcakes she made out of Rainbow Dash to her friends.Rainbow Dash is saved by Derpy, Fluttershy and Orange Fly along with a team of FBI pony and Pinkie Pie is taken to a madhouse, However this end is still in production.Apple Bloom has this dream every night, she is fed up and kills Pinkie Pie with a machete.There are several unofficial alternate endings written by others wherein: Derpy also joins up with Pinkie Pie, in her killing Spree. This leads way to the Cupcakes Side Story known as Muffins, where Babs Seed joins Apple Bloom, Marble Pie and Limestone Pie Aka Inky Pie and Blinky Pie, as well as Obsidian Pie Aka Minkie Pie. The original ending also depicts Apple Bloom as taking part in "making cupcakes" as Pinkie Pie's apprentice and/or assistant. In the end, Pinkie Pie decides to make a stuffed Rainbow Dash from her friend's body. The rest of the story describes Pinkie Pie's torturing of Rainbow Dash to death. Pinkie Pie appears to tell Rainbow Dash that she's going to make cupcakes, but she's out of a necessary ingredient: Rainbow Dash herself. After the drug's effect is over, Rainbow Dash awakens to find herself tied up in a dark cellar room. In reality, the cupcake appears to have been injected with a soporific, which knocks Rainbow Dash unconscious. Once she arrives, she discovers no sign of any work in progress, but, knowing Pinkie Pie, doesn't feel surprised and readily eats a cupcake offered by Pinkie, thinking of it as of a "taste test". Rainbow Dash is invited to the bakery by Pinkie Pie to help her out with some baking.

After Rainbow Dash's demise however, the story follows Pinkie Pie's thoughts. Style Ĭupcakes is written in the third-person, present tense, and primarily follows Rainbow Dash's thought process. Jones has stated in a journal entry on his deviantART profile that he "never expected it to go any farther than sharing it on /co/." He calls it "the most infamous thing in the fandom," and that he's not sure what to think about its popularity. "Cupcakes" has gained enough notoriety to garner it its own lengthy subpages on KnowYourMeme and TVTropes. The story was written by Drecker Jones, under the pen name "Sergeant Sprinkles." He originally posted it on the /co/ board on 4chan, from where it quickly spread to other pony sites.